
me stuff

My name is Alexis Dahlia Gover. Majority know me as Lexi Dahlia. I’m 20 years old and putting myself through college to get my psychology degree in hopes to becomeĀ  a therapist to help students with mental illness. A little backstory about me is that I grew up not really knowing who I was. I struggled with self-harm, identity crisis, substance abuse, and suicidal tenancies. I was an Atheist and completely broken. And that’s where Jesus found me. Long story short I accepted Him into my heart and started running towards Him with everything I’ve got (and still am). I serve at my church’s youth ministries and co-lead the worship team with my brother. I’ve had the opportunity to meet with so many people that have gone through a similar past and we’ve been able to walk it out together. I’ve always been a very visual person and my art represents who I was and who God’s made me to be. There’s a story behind every piece. My “WHY” behind LexiDahlia Art is to help motivate others, through my art, to choose life and to love themselves along with the people around them.

I chose life. I chose love. I am Lexi Dahlia.

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